What is the biblical reference of "standing in the gap"?
In the Bible age, cities were protected by walls that would incase the community. When enemies would trespass these walls, the city was left open for attacks. The only way the people could protect their city was to risk their lives by standing in the gaps of these walls while they fought off their enemies.
God calls us to stand in the gap for others by interceding for them when they are vulnerable. So how do we as a spouse stand in the gap for a wayward or a prodigal wife or husband? How do you know if you are called to "stand"? These answers are found in the bible. It is important to understand how God sees the marital covenant between husband, wife and himself. It also is important for us to understand how he feels about divorce. Your spouse may have made a decision to leave the marriage but if these reasons are outside of the reasons God allows...your spouse has breached the covenant with not only you, but God. Covenants are important to God and if you as the covenant keeping spouse has decided to fight for your marriage...than God will partner and fight with you.
The marriage covenant was intended to mirror the image of love and relationship between Jesus and the church. We know that Gods love for us is unconditional and he never gives up on us. When we have accepted the covenant of making him Lord of our lives than we invite him to become apart of us.
Ephesians 5:31-32- "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
When a man and woman marry, their flesh becomes one in the spirit and those souls are knitted together.
Conflict in a marriage usually points back to bad seeds that have been sewn that have given way to an open door into the marriage by enemy spirits. These seeds can be addiction, adultry, not being equally yoked, bitterness, unforgiveness, idolatry and the list goes on. If both parties are not rooted in the word of God or have made Jesus Lord then this gives opportunity for Satan to have a foothold. Footholds lead to strongholds in the mind. Many of the spouses that have walked away have fallen victim to the thoughts that have been implanted by enemy spirits. As the one flesh covenant keeping spouse you have authority by Christ living inside of you to stand in the gap and war against what's holding your spouse captive.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
So what next?
We believe that most are called to Stand. This is not a new concept or a trend. This is BIBLE. These principles are often not spoken about or taught in church. This is such a disservice to the Kingdom as the divorce rate of Christians is just as high as the divorce rate in the secular world. We have found that most people have come to the decision to Stand because God personally has given them revelation about what their spouse is facing and has told them he has not released them from the marriage.
If you are making the decision to answer the call...then you will need support and guidance not only from the Holy Spirit but from others.
has many free resources to help you on this journey. We also offer one on one coaching or counseling. Please visit our Services page to schedule an appointment.