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The Double-Minded Wo-Man

Writer: Daniella DiazDaniella Diaz

“I don’t recognize this person. This is not the person I married.” How many of you can relate to this statement?

When mentoring, this is a statement I often hear when a Standing spouse describes their wayward or prodigal spouse. You may be facing a situation where your spouse has taken on a new personality or a habit that would have been inconceivable in the past. The bible talks about double-mindness. James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. What does that mean exactly?

Your spouses loyalty is divided between God and the world, they are unstable in their decision making and emotions. Double-mindness often referred to as Bipolar is not clinical contrary to what the secular world will tell you. This is a spiritual matter. Your spouse is living in two worlds and is being influenced by spirits that want to cause harm, division and confusion. We know that God is NOT the author of confusion. Confusion is fueled by Satan.

You may see this especially in a spouse who has accepted salvation. When genuinely accepting Jesus Christ as Savior the Holy Spirit lives in the inside of us. Many Christians who have received salvation have not received deliverance. Deliverance happens 1 of 2 ways. Through the sanctification process of transformation of the mind, heart and soul. This process of growing in Christ and partnering with Holy Spirit heals wounds that are buried within the soul. Many Christians sadly never get to this point because their relationship with God is non existent. They have not allowed the Lord to do a work in them to heal them in their soul area. Spirits attach themselves to these wounds in the soul. When we go through conversion the Holy Spirit will push them out. But if a person has never surrendered their hearts over, it does not take place. The other process is through “casting” spirits out of a person through the authority of Jesus Christ. If your double-minded spouse has been saved but is outside of the will of God the double-mindness stems from two types of spirits operating in them. The Holy Spirit who is opposing and Enemy Spirits who causes them to sin.

Some of you were married to God fearing men and women who lived consecrated lives and all of a sudden are living wayward. Or some have received deliverance and were set free of afflictions to only pick them back up. How does this happen?

This means that your spouse has opened up a door to sin that gives spirits legal rights to inhabit their soul. And if their soul has been swept clean by the Holy Spirit but they have gone back to the same sin to form the wound than these spirits and the stronghold may be even more bold. Matthew 12:43-45 When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.

But God!!! These spirits are no match for Jesus. You can partner with the Holy Spirit as the covenant keeping spouse to call things into order by the authority you possess by the name of Jesus Christ and your one flesh covenant through fasting and intercession. Jesus came to set the captives free and Jesus has given us the keys to bind what is on earth so that it is bound in heaven. Take heart.

Please consider joining our next corporate Breaking Demonic Strongholds fast.


1 Comment

Mar 21, 2023

Woah. Great message Dani. I never made the connection between bipolar and double mindedness before.

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