What's Next?
Stomp out Gluttony for forever!
There has been a clarion call in the Kingdom for God’s children to address issues of the heart. God is dealing with idolatry in this hour. Abba has highlighted this very issue to many of you but because it is a stronghold it seems like a huge feat. Most of us who try to cut ties with Gluttony do not see success because we are trying to fix an issue through our flesh when really there is a root cause that deals with the soul. Spiritual matters require spiritual solutions. Gluttony is a manifestation of what we are dealing with internally and the root must be pulled. The Holy Spirit encouraged me to start this program to help other’s get set free from this spirit for all.

This program starts with a 2-day workshop (1 hour each day) where we will address what Gluttony is spiritually, identify how it attacks, and how we are to combat it. Soul Fit is a safe, judge free community that I have created for women who are struggling with Gluttony specifically. I created a FB support group for this program to build comradery and so we may aide each other in this process. During the next weeks, we will gain wisdom regarding gluttony, will seek after inner healing, will fast together (fasting will be once a week and right before deliverance), participate in a fitness challenge (60 days) and finally will go through deliverance as a group.
This Program is $20.00 Why do I charge? To keep you invested! It has been proven that most will complete a program or workshop if they are financially vested. If you are unable to pay the $20.00 but you are committed to see this through…Please email me at daniellalovediaz@gmail.com
Zoom class on Saturday 1/11 at 7pm CST *Please register by 1/9/2024

The fee for this workshop is $15.00. New Day Restoration charges for workshops because we do not take up offerings or a tithe. These fees go toward the Administration and ministry fees to run the ministry. Thank you for supporting NDR!
Are you ready to unlock your dreams? God is speaking! Our lives do not pause when our heads hit our pillows. Our dream life is where the veil is thinned and the natural meets the spirit realm. Many of us discount our dreams because we do not have the spiritual revelation that dreams are a spiritual tool and gift that God uses to communicate with us. This workshop gives you the BIBLICAL foundation of dream interpretation, teaches you the 3 origins of dreams and what you are supposed to do with them. We discuss dreams of prophecy, nightmares, warnings and promises. Do you not have dreams? Why do you continue to have the same dreams over? We will answer all of your questions concerning dreams.
We also go through group exercises giving you the opportunity to test your interpretation skills. This workshop includes a NDR Dream Key that is emailed to you after the completion of the class.
Saturday 12/14 7:00 pm CST

Hereditary illness, afflictions and sin can be pinpointed in just about any family. It's not uncommon to find that an alcoholic comes from a long line of addicts. We often see commonalities in todays families full of divorcees or the example of men dying early in a particular family. These are not hereditary but are in-fact spiritual. These examples are generational curses. Most families are marked by ungodly patterns that have been inherited from generation to generation due to rebellion and sin.
Some of our ancestors have also entered into demonic covenants that have impacted a whole bloodline. This workshop will give you the foundational knowledge to understand how curses and covenants impact us. We will discuss how the
kingdom of darkness works within spiritual legal rights and how we as believers who exert our authority can become repairer's of the breach to save our whole blood line through the blood of Jesus. This workshop is advanced and will take commitment and spiritual maturity. You will be working on your family and/or spouses bloodline so it is important to understand what that entails. Some of the things that are associated with our families are familiar spirits that have been attached to us for hundreds or thousands of years. They do not want to leave, so it is important to understand that you will be engaging in the spirit and there may be retaliation attempts. This workshop is NOT recommended if you are harboring any unforgiveness or are dealing with habitual sin. This is an open door which gives the enemy legal access.
This is a 3 week workshop, Every Sunday 9/22, 9/29 10/6 6:30pm cst LAST DAY TO ENROLL 9/18
This support night is for Men's ONLY. Apostle and Deliverance Minister, Jose Renteria will give you insight on how to get set free from the Spirit of Lust/Perversion, how to train your mind and will talk about how this issue can hinder you in your marriage. This will be a private zoom so you will need to register for this support night. 1/22 Monday 7pm CST, we will send you the link the day of

Bitterness is poisonous to the heart. Unforgiveness and resentment will rot your soul like old fruit. The Lord never intended for his children to be tormented and bound internally. Satan loves to use and exploit the wounds in our soul to keep us hindered from receiving healing, deliverance and restoration. Where as Jesus wants us to live liberated and victorious. He tells us that deliverance is the children's bread. (Matt 15:26) If you have been holding onto unforgiveness, resentment and bitterness, it is time to let go and be healed.
*You must register for this fast
Thursday-Saturday 11/16-18th 7:30pm CST
Q & A session with Coach Kristen
Zoom Link:

This is a support night for those who are in active addiction or who is standing for a spouse who is. Sunday, October 8th 6:30pm CST
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88225240142?pwd=VIMpb3KffXspWurLbnBwppnD4yzu1Y.1
Join us in a united front in intercession as we battle against strongholds, bondage and addiction to be lifted from our spouses and that they experience an encounter with the living God. ​ We have authority to trample on the kingdom of darkness by way of Jesus Christ and through our One Flesh. Satan is no match when the Saints join together in prayer. We will battle and war for deliverance and freedom.

This season can take a toll on your spiritual endurance. We sometimes may feel overwhelmed, tired, have a loss of motivation or the strength to function because we have put so much focus on warring and interceding for our spouse. It is important that we have balance in this season allowing ourselves to be refreshed and renewed by the Holy Spirit.
There are tools and spiritual weapons that the Lord has given us. Intercession, fasting and communion all can be powerful weapons to fight for a loved one. James 5:16 The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much. When we pray from the position of authority (by way of Jesus Christ) and by covenant or blood, we are a force to be reckoned with. We all desire to see our loved ones have true surrender, and salvation in Christ. Gods desire is that no man perish and that we walk in his perfect will and calling for our lives. Join us as we stand in agreement for 3 days through fasting, intercession and communion for the salvation of a spouse or family member.

Watching someone you love be bound in addiction, sexual perversion, gambling or the effects of witchcraft is heart breaking. Witnessing your child or spouse opperating in a spirit of pride, rejection, anger and unforgiveness is distressing. As spirit filled believers we know the answer, Jesus! Breaking the chains of sin for ones who are bound by sin seems as if it is an impossible feat. Many of our loved ones who are spiritually restrained are delusional, deceived or their minds are held captive. Thank the Lord that he has given us the keys to stand in the gap for our loved ones. Through intercession of a blood relative or covenant spouse, we have the ability to break curses and help move things in the spirit through the authority of Jesus Christ to get our loved ones to a place of reconcilation, healing and deliverance. Please join us on this 5 day fast and call for intercession.