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God's Speaking-Understanding visions and dreams

Get a certificate by completing the program.


Are you ready to unlock your dreams? God is speaking! Our lives do not pause when our heads hit our pillows. Our dream life is where the veil is thinned and the natural meets the spirit realm. Many of us discount our dreams because we do not have the spiritual revelation that dreams are a spiritual tool and gift that God uses to communicate with us. This workshop gives you the BIBLICAL foundation of dream interpretation, teaches you the 3 origins of dreams and what you are supposed to do with them. We discuss dreams of prophecy, nightmares, warnings and promises. Do you not have dreams? Why do you continue to have the same dreams over? We will answer all of your questions concerning dreams. We also go through group exercises giving you the opportunity to test your interpretation skills.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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